Monthly Archives: December 2013

Bucket List #15

There is no excuse: the weather is fine, it is a Thursday, I am wearing my casual work clothes and a rubber shoes. I have to accomplish my bucket list #15. Well actually I just made the number “15” up (perhaps I was thinking of it when I was 15 years old). Anyhow, I need try doing it — skateboarding to the office.

I tried.  Perhaps there is a next time.

Rubber shoes. Check! Extra shirt in my backpack, check! Lots of guts (considering my age), check!

However, after a couple of hundred meters (in between catching my breathe) and after a dozen of curious eyes looking at me, I decided to quit and head back home to just use the bike. Now is not the time, I need to lose at least 10 kilos first I think. I tried. Perhaps there is a next time.

Still on my bucket list (going to work on a bicycle), and was able to accomplish this feat.

Still on my bucket list (going to work on a bicycle). Which is actually part of my daily routine here — commuting to/from work.

I reached the office 10 minutes late, and upon opening the computer, a reminder greeted me that today is my last day of work (as if I didn’t know that, ha ha).

Last Day of Work!

Last Day of Work! Time flies so fast, I can still vividly recall how my first was with this company when I came in July 2008

Last day of work I was still working and up to the last minute giving instructions with transportation services, and handing over documents at the travel office. As well as visiting various departments, completing signatures on my clearance form, and eventually submitting to HR.

Thursday (December 19, 2013), my last day of work with my employer for 5 1/2 years. Yet two days later on Sunday (December 22, 2013), it will be my first day of work with my new employer. Aaahh, the working class.

By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.
— Robert Frost